Welcome to “Tubby Works!”
Posted by Monique Bauman on Oct 14th, 2014 in News
I think rainy days and bedtime is always “book time.” I specialize in “read to me” children’s books for ages 0-7. With melodious rhymes and amazing illustrations my stories challenge as well as entertain children.
Monique Nelsen
writer, poet and photographer

My Books
Posted by Monique Bauman on Aug 20th, 2012 in Books
I have recently completed three books entitled, ” Pirate Purple and Prissy Pink ,” “Kati, The One Eyed Witch,” and “My Dragon.” I prefer to work with a different illustrator for each story so that every book is its own unique piece. I am currently working on three other projects and finding new talented illustrators to collaborate with. Thank you …